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Theme No. 3

The Dignity and Value
of Human Life

Christ calls us to view and treat all human life
as inherently and completely valuable in all forms and at all stages.

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Listen to the full episode


Questions for Reflection:

  • In what ways are unborn children, pregnant mothers, young children, and families with kids left under-supported or under-protected?

  • In what ways are older children, young adults, and middle-aged people left under-supported or under-protected?

  • In what ways are disabled people, chronically ill people, terminally ill people, and elderly people left under-supported or under-protected?


  • What opportunities can a good high school provide to a teen?

  • How would you say Catholic education can be distinctly impactful for young people?

  • Education is often considered one of the most impactful ways to improve outcomes for children from lower-income families. How can a good education impact outcomes for a teen? Think about college applications, post-graduate career and jobs, and adult livelihood.


  • Morally, what do you think are the differences between actively seeking assistance with suicide and receive hospice care?

  • What do you think are the benefits to elected hospice care? How does this help a patient physically and spiritually?

  • As you think about parents, grandparents, or other family members, do you think you have a sense of how they’d want to be treated? What would be helpful to hear from them? What questions could you ask?

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For further listening:

Ep. 39:
Cardinal Bernardin and the Consistent Ethic of Life
with Fr. Mark Francis, CSV
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube


Ep. 5:
Founding a Viatorian Cristo Rey School
with Fr. Tom von Behren, CSV & Br. Carlos Flórez, CSV
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube


Ep. 21:
A Viatorian Cristo Rey Education

with Associate Deborah Perez (and Melissa Gruenhagen)

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube


Ep. 44:
End-of-Life Accompaniment

with Associate Mary Finks

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

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